Being Stress Free Amid Strife---God is At Work

by Andre' van Heerden

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

John 5:17
Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working."

When Support Systems Stop Working
Were you one of the millions of people that was terrorized by the threat of Y2K? As the days prior to midnight on December 31, 1999 decreased one by one, so the fearful anticipation increased more and more. Warnings were announced on the Television, by e-mail, in newspaper advertisements, and by greedy merchants who hoped to increase their sales to the perplexed public. Yes, people were given long check-lists of what to acquire in order to be ready if the computerized support systems had to fail. People were horrified by the thought that at midnight December 31, 1999, their power would suddenly be cut. Panic dominated their thoughts as they imagined what would happen if the stores couldn't supply them with food and basic essentials. Many felt desperate as they saw no way out if the water supply was cut off when the computer calendars clicked over from 1999 to 2000. Would the computers controlling all these essential support systems have been adjusted to cope with this new time frame that computer programmers never thought of programming into their programs. For the first time, millions of people were made aware of how many support systems are constantly at work to make their lives safe and comfortable. The People in the Northern Hemisphere countries would face death if the natural gas and power supplies were cut off in the middle of winter. All peoples without water supplies, especially those in the Southern Hemisphere, in the middle of summer, would die of thirst. The tales and rumors of a global catastrophe grew way out of proportion, and many even thought that the Y2K threat was synonymous with the end of the world.

(The Y2K dilemma sent panic throughout the world---people everywhere thought that all computer-controlled support systems would shut down and society would face severe setbacks)

Perhaps it was good that Y2K actually came around with all the drama and dread that surrounded it. It taught the world how dependent the man on the street is on the support systems that are at work to make his life safe and comfortable. Irrespective of what you and I are doing--whether we are working, sleeping, entertaining friends, exercising, on vacation, or studying for a test--these support systems are at work. Irrespective of what we are doing, the power company provides power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. '24-7' as we Americans say.

(Power Stations provide electricity for us to keep warm, operate our appliances, have light and perform the many tasks at home and at work that keep our society functioning efficiently)

So too, the Water Purification Works are at work to supply water to every single home. The Natural Gas Company also supplies gas, the Telephone Companies supply essential contact between people, and many food stores are open to supply food and basic essentials. The Police Department, the Fire Department and the Hospitals are staffed around the clock in case of an emergency. Yes, irrespective of what you and I are doing, millions of people are at work to keep the support systems in place in order to keep our world functioning in a productive and protected manner. (See the picture below)

We Need More Than Societies Support Systems to Work For Us
With the Y2K ordeal now far behind us, it is good to pause and appreciate the presence of all the support systems that are at work, '24-7,' that each one of us benefit from. It is good to feel secure in a society that is committed to the funding and the functioning of these support systems. But my dear friend, the support systems that society put in place for our safety can only serve us up to a point. They cannot serve us in every regard. Where are the support systems that we need to help us in our intimate personal needs? Where is the help we need with personal addictions, loneliness, financial problems, broken relationships, loss of a loved one, spiritual confusion, emotional upsets, family disputes, divorce, betrayal, facing terminal illness, and the list goes on and on. Yes, in a world that has been infected with evil, there are so many personal needs that each one of us have. You and I are caught in the middle of a titanic struggle between good and evil. Evil has infested every area of our lives and we feel it's sting no matter where we turn. Whether we realize it not, we are part of this global war between good and evil. The forces of evil would annihilate every living creature from the face of our planet if they could. All around us we see the effects of their efforts--they seem to be in control and far too effective in their work. As a result, each of us have needs that we haven't found answers for from any source or any support system. We have been brain washed and mill about totally disorientated and confused about where to turn and how to go about finding the correct answers to the dilemmas we face amid the onslaughts from the unseen forces of evil.

(Can the support systems that society provide answer the intricate and intimate problems we face from time to time? Problems like loneliness, poverty, low self-esteem, doubting God, fear, feelings of abandoment, addictions, guilt and on and on)

The Ultimate Support System is 'At Work' so We Can Rest Amid Turmoil
What are you and I facing today, this very moment, that we need desperate help for--the kind of help that the 911 emergency cannot even to give us. Is there something in your life that no family member, no friend, no church pastor, or counselor can help you with? Do you need a support system that is 'at work' to help you with something so personal and so private that no-one else can help you with? If so, I have wonderful news for you. The same God that is 'at work' in controlling the infinite universe with all it countless stars and planets, is 'at work' to control every small detail of our lives--yours and mine. By the same word that 'made the heavens' and the same breath of His mouth that created the 'starry host,' (See Psalms 33:6) God says in His Word that, 'He works for the good of those who love Him." (See Romans 8:28). He goes even further to say that He who watches over you 'will neither slumber nor sleep.' (See Psalms 121:3, 4). Wow, what amazing encouragement! What positive hope! What reassuring comfort! No matter what I am going through, or what I have to face, an All-Powerful, All-Wise, All-Knowing God is 'at work' night and day on my behalf. I forget this, and so I am stressed out to 'the max,' as people these days say. No, no, no! I cannot be. I look up to the sky at night, or at the blinding sun during the day, or at the beauties of nature around me and I remind myself that a wonderful and mighty God is 'at work,' with all this under His control. I ask myself, "What is more difficult to do--keeping the universe and the cycles of nature in control, or solving the dilemma I have to face in my personal life?" Of course my personal dilemma is nothing in comparison to the massive tasks of controlling all that God controls. So, I can rest in peace knowing that God will act in His perfect timing to bring meaning and purpose to my apparent disaster. Note the following beautiful promises that God spoke for His servants to record:

Psalms 16:7,8
I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.

Psalms 62:1, 2, 5, 6
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I shall never be shaken. Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope come from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I shall not be shaken.

Let's go back to the Y2K dilemma again. When the support systems that we depend on for our survival were threatened, many of us could not rest. When they are back is place, we are all at rest and carry on with our normal day to day lives. Why can't we do the same with God. Why can't we rest in the secure knowledge that it is God who makes it possible for our County's and our City Works to provide the electricity, water, gas, transport systems, garbage and sewage disposal, etc, to function? Why can we be at rest with the fact that our planet is in it's fixed orbit and that it is safe from collisions with asteroids and other planets, but we cannot rest due to the seemingly insurmountable problems in our personal lives? God's Word plainly states that He is 'at work' and never rests.

Ephesians 3:20
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:12, 13
Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Hebrews 13:20, 21
May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us, what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever and every. Amen.

Unfortunately Satan is Also At Work
Knowing God is at work is wonderful, but to really get motivated to find out how God works and to build our lives around Him being at work, we need to stop and realize that Satan is also 'at work'--that he never rests, and that his work is to destroy you and me. Scary thought! Yes, Satan led a rebellion against God because he coveted the status of God's Son and wanted His position in heaven. He loathed the thought that Jesus the Son was one with God and could create with and for God. Now, banished on this earth, he is surrounded with evidences of the Creators handiwork. Every plant and tree, every bud and blossom, every animal and insect, every fish and bird, and every human being, whether a follower of God or of Satan, is a living testimony to the Creators brilliant work. Satan is at war against God and anything that He has made. He wants it destroyed and wiped out from his sight. If Satan had his way, the entire planet would be annihilated in a global nuclear explosion. Every part of this earth is a painful, festering reminder that he will never be equal with God, he will never be able to create life, and he will never control the universe. He is livid with evil ambition and contempt. People pursuing pleasure and living lives of lust and luxury, blindly believe that they are safe in their search to satisfy self. Little do they realize that Satan has lured them by lethal lies that will eventually lead to their loss of life.

(Satan is 'at work' with one goal and one goal only---to destroy every part of God's Ingenious and Incredible Creation . . .)

This is Satan's work. He has no rules or fair plans in his game. He goes straight for the jugular--eternal death and destruction is his determined desire. Take the lives of people, whether they have been deceived by him or not--people who found fame and lost their lives due to the destroyer being 'at work.' Jimmy Hendriks, a world famous rock guitarist----dead from a drug overdose. Andy Gibb, younger brother to the Bee Gees, an Australian founded Pop Band--dead from alcohol overdose. Marilyn Monroe, a beautiful movie star--dead by an apparent self induced drug overdose. Karen Carpenter, a singer with an angelic voice, talented beyond expectation--dead from eating disorders. Elvis Presley, a singer catapulted into stardom at an early age--dead from alcohol and drug abuse. John Denver and Jim Croche, both talented singers and songwriters--dead in airplane accidents. So the list goes on and on. Whoever people choose to follow makes no difference to Satan, he wants them dead anyway. Those people who have found the precious truth of knowing God personally, Satan presses against with a lot more persistence. This fact is good enough reason to find out how allow God to be at work in each one of our lives.

(Click here to learn more about how Satan is at war to control our thoughts and our lives)

How Does God Work?
Our minds will never understand how God works. God works in dimensions that we will only begin to comprehend when we are living with Him in eternity. God can be everywhere at the same time, He can travel infinitely faster than light, He knows everything, and He creates life--these attributes of God are beyond the understanding of the most advanced human mind. In order for us to benefit from this awesome and magnificent God we must 'believe that He exists' and 'that the universe was formed at His command.' (See Hebrews 11:6, 3). Just like we rest securely in the knowledge that our human support systems are 'at work' night and day to give us a comfortable and safe life, so God is 'at work' night and day in the smallest details of our lives. God's Word, in the Scriptures and through His servants, gives us as much information as we can comprehend as to how God is 'at work' in our lives. These are listed below:

1. God is 'At Work' Through the Holy Spirit - Before Jesus left His disciples He gave them a detailed explanation of how His work with them would continue.
John 14:16; 16:7, 13, 14
"I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever--the Spirit of Truth . . . It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you . . . But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and make it known to you.

In Ephesians 1:13, 14, Paul states that we were 'marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession--to the praise of his glory.'

Wow, from the time we accept God unconditionally into our lives, we have a guarantee that 'works' constantly until our day of redemption. Can it be? Oh yes it can! Listen to this! Ellen White, an anointed servant of God writes:

"The Holy Spirit never leaves unassisted the soul who is looking unto Jesus. He take the things of Christ and show them unto him. If the eye is kept fixed on Christ, the work of the Spirit ceases not until the soul is conformed to His image" E.G. White, Desire of Ages, page 302.

2. God is 'At Work' Through His Word - To illustrate how the Word of God is to 'work' in us, God compares His Word to food.

(As food feeds and nourishes our bodies, so the Word of God nourishes our souls, our minds and our spiritual fortitude)

Deuteronomy 8:3
He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."

John 6:51, 53-57
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If a man eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world . . . Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him us at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me.

As food is broken down, and each nutrient enters the living cells of the body, so the Word God enters our minds and works to fortify and nourish our thoughts and decisions. The 'Spirit of Truth' makes the Word of God alive and active so that it can 'work' in us to bring tangible renewal and reform into our actions. Note what God's own word says about how His Word is 'at work' in our lives:

1 Thessalonians 1:13
When you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Now go through and read these texts again. A miracle happens when an unspiritual human builds his or her life around spending time alone with God, through His Word, before their day starts. When the Word of God is opened with a true hunger for God, God promises not only to satisfy that hunger but to make His Words 'living and active' in that persons life, allowing God's power to be 'at work' constantly. The bible contains overwhelming evidences of how God was 'at work' in the lives of people. The stories that are recorded there clearly outline how God worked to make their lives a success. When the people chose to submit to God's work in their lives, they were successful--people like Joseph and Daniel. When people chose not to submit to God's work in their lives, they were lost--people like Saul and Judas.

(Click here to find out about the miracle that happens when a person commits to eating the Word of God daily)

3. God is 'At Work' Through His Creation - Psalms 19:1, 2 tell us that "the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge." Why does the sky above and all of our surroundings shout that there is a God? Because the universe and all of the cycles of nature would fall apart if there wasn't a Genius Creator and Controller constantly 'at work' to synchronize all of the functions that are necessary. Any person who has the ability to grasp that the universe is not within man's capabilities to explore or understand, is convinced that God is the only one who can operate in such inconceivable vastness.


(The picture above, scanned from The World Book Encyclopedia, shows where our sun is located in our Galaxy, the Milky Way.  The Milky Way is made up of more than 100 billion stars similar to the sun. Many stars have their own solar systems. Our galaxy is 100,000 light years in length and 30,000 light years in width . . . and man wonders, "is there a God?")

Man cannot create life, and the miracle of new life amongst humans and animals is truly God's miraculous work. The precision of the seasons and the balance in nature is evidence of God being 'at work' from one day to the next. Even in a world where evil is present, God still works to lavish man with unspeakable beauty and grandeur in nature.

Paul says quite bluntly in Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without any excuse."

God made provision for man to be reminded of Him being the Creator of everything and being constantly 'at work' in nature and the universe. He gave man a day of rest every week, dedicated to restore man's confidence in Him as not only being able to create the universe and all of nature, but being able to create solutions to any and every dilemma in all aspects of his life.

(Click here to read more about The Creator and Controler of the Universe)

4. God is 'At Work' Through Small Insignificant Details - A quote from 'My Utmost for His Highest,' by Oswald Chambers in his devotion for February 7, is the best way to explain this point:

"We look for visions from heaven and for earth-shaking events to see God's power. Even the fact that we are dejected is proof that we do this. Yet we never realize that all the time God is at work in our everyday events and in the people around us. If we will only obey, and do the task that He has placed closest to us, we will see Him. One of the most amazing revelations of God comes to us when we learn that it is in the everyday things of life that we realize the magnificent deity of Jesus Christ."

(God works in the smallest and seemingly insignificant situations---He brings a deep and lasting satisfaction that people without Him struggle to find)

All I can say is "WOW!" God is not only 'at work' in the titanic tasks of controlling the universe and all of the cycles of nature, but He is 'at work' in the smallest detail of my life every day, no matter how insignificant they may seem. When I have given my life to God, He works through any and every circumstance for my good. Let me ask you this. If God advises us in Luke 16:10 to be faithful in the smallest details of our lives, would God Himself not be super faithful in every small detail of each of our lives? Of course He will be. God is constantly 'at work' in every situation, no matter how insignificant and irrelevant it may seem to us.
What Happens When I'm At Work?
Oh, how hard it is for us to stop being at work to solve our problems and find security and happiness in our own lives! Our natural tendency is to be in control of every aspect of our lives and determining the outcome of our futures. It is such a part of our makeup that it is practically impossible for us to just 'let go' and let God be at work in our lives--to let Him work out our problems, to let Him work out who our marriage partner will be or be at work in changing certain things in our marriages, to let Him work out which would be the best job for us, to let Him work out how to run our finances, and most importantly, to let Him make us into better people--to be more like Him. When we are 'at work' we crowd God out and tie His Hands from being 'at work' on our behalf. When we fail to submit and be like a child, He fails at being able to be our Father. When we fail to submit and be like a sheep, He fails at being able to be our Good Shepherd. When fail to submit and be soft clay, He fails at being able to be the Master Potter. Our work cancels out His work. When we are at work there will always be terrible mistakes, but when God is at work there will always be awesome precision.

(Even though God has given us incredible abilities to achieve and prosper, when we work without Him we always 'mess up')

When I try and be at work when it come to being a better person and overcoming weakness and bad habits, there will always be repeated failures and frustration.(Click here to find out how to let God work at overcoming my weaknesses and bad habits). Then to top it off, many of us try not only to be at work in every part of our own lives, but also in every part of other peoples lives. How often don't we try and correct others when it comes to the way they dress, or to the type of music they listen to, or to the places they go. We even go as far as trying to correct the spirituality in the lives of others. How absolutely senseless when God says that He is 'at work' in each persons life. Who are we to try and be 'at work' in anyone's life? What am I to do? What is my work when it comes to the lives of others? I need to be 'at work' on my knees petitioning God to initiate and continue being 'at work' in the life of that other person. I need to be 'at work' loving and supporting those who are struggling along with me in the battle against our mutual enemy who is trying to destroy all of us. My work is to unconditionally love my fellow combatants as they suffer casualties along with me.

What is the Most Important Work I Have to Do?
Oh how my heart aches as I reflect on all my years as a Christian. I think of all the years I have gone through trying to 'work' at being a better person and 'working' hard to solve my problems and being 'at work' in the lives of those around me. I think of how my friends and other Christians I have known have also stressfully worked at getting their secular and spiritual lives together. Life can be such a struggle if people haven't found the simple formula for happiness and contentment. Do you want see what it is? OK, here it is. Here is what the most important work I am to do. It is found in the gospel of Matthew chapter 11 and verse 28 and it is spoken by Jesus Himself:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Allow me to paraphrase it in the context of what we are talking about here today:
"Come to me, all you who are 'at work' trying to make sense of your lives. You can just sit back and rest and allow me to be 'at work' for you. Your work is to learn of me, for I made you, and I know that when you learn of me you will be humble and gentle like me, and only when you are like this, then you will find complete happiness and contentment."

The word 'come' demands a decision to stop what we are doing and to go in a specific direction. We need to make a conscious decision to stop being 'at work' in our own lives and to go to Jesus. When we come to Jesus we rest because He told us that He would be 'at work' on our behalf. The word 'learn' calls for discipline to build our lives around doing just that--learning. We need to be 'at work,' learning of Christ--constant, and continuous. This alone will give us the ability to rest and to 'let go' in order for God to be 'at work.' Before each day starts, like a student studying for a degree, we need to come to Jesus to learn of Him. More and more of Him. The more we learn of Him, the more we will rest. The more we will let go of being 'at work' in our own life, the more room He has to be 'at work' on our behalf. When we come to Jesus, He can work through the four main channels that we discussed earlier. As Mary came and sat at the feet of Jesus, hungering to learn more of Him, so we are to build our lives around coming to Him daily and hungering to learn more of Him. The sophisticated, hurried lives we live tend to crowd Jesus out. There is just no time for quiet 'togetherness' with Him, no time to bathe in His word, no time for the still small voice of the Spirit to whisper His guidance and instruction to us. How life changing it will be when we take God's offer seriously to be 'at work' on our behalf as we keep learning of Him.

Optional Reading--God 'At Work' In An Insurmountable Personal Dilemma

Fourteen years ago I started working as a trainee manager and fitness instructor in a fitness center, situated in a small coastal town on the east coast of South Africa. I felt called by God to this work as I had such strong convictions about healthful living, and I loved working with, and helping people. I was fortunate enough to take ownership of this fitness center a year or so after beginning my work there, and I directed this fitness center for twelve years successfully, thanks to God's continued blessings.

(This photo was taken before I started furnishing the premises in which I was going to open the new Fitness Center in)

Over the twelve years the center prospered and it developed to a fairly high standard as for a privately owned center. Then it happened. The dreaded bomb that I had feared throughout my whole business career, was dumped on me. "What could be so devastating?" you may ask. Well, news began rippling through the small coastal town that a brand new branch of a massive national chain of fitness centers was opening up across the road from my little fitness center. It just couldn't be. How could a massive chain come to a small coastal town? How could they dare to open up across the road and deliberately put us out of business? Well, to cut a long story short, they were coming and would be opening their doors in about ten months! Unbelievable! My stomach turned as I thought of the prospects of closing down, sitting with many unpaid debts, and losing the twelve years of blood, sweat and tears that I had investing in this project. I prayed earnestly about this dilemma that I was facing and pled with God to show me a possible way out of this dead end street.

(After two years in the premises shown in the photo above, God blessed me to where I was able to buy out my competition and move into their premises. I gained a massive amount of equipment for relatively little money)

There's Just No Way!
My staff and I were overwhelmed. We just couldn't see ourselves making it under these circumstances. How? There was just no way. We had heard rumors of countless other small, privately owned fitness centers "folding" under the pressure when this very same chain moved into town. There was another privately owned fitness center in town that had been my direct competition. In the past, the owner of this fitness center, Charles, wasn't very secretive about the fact that he was out to hurt us. When he opened his new fitness center--after having been a trainer in my center--he called it "New Attitude," with strong undertones that my center had the wrong attitude. Six months before the new state-of-the-art "Health and Racquet Club" was to open, Charles called me up and asked if he could come around and meet with me. Well, I agreed and he came over, really friendly, and as I had thought, it was because he was also frantic about the effects that Health and Racquet would have on his business. "We need to combine our centers," he said, "buy me out or let's establish a partnership or something." "Sorry Charles," was my reply, "it wouldn't be wise to combine our centers before we really know what the true outcome will be when Health and Racquet opens. Besides, if we combined now, both our sets of members will be upset and probably leave anyway due to overcrowding in my premises--we're simply not big enough to cater for both memberships." Charles left and we both just continued operating as best we could. We spoke from time to time, but I was not prepared to talk a deal with him.

A Glimmer of Hope
I was stressed, I was restless, and I was in turmoil. How could this be? Why would God allow me to start and run this center if He knew that I would just close down at this point. "Oh well, it must just be another lesson in humility," I thought. The countdown began. Newspaper advertisements appeared, massive display boards were erected and sales offices were opened to begin selling the new "upmarket memberships." The spirit in our center changed, as staff and management anticipated the approaching defeat. "Oh God, let your will be done in this situation," I prayed everyday. Then one day something happened. In retrospect it was the turning point of this whole dilemma. Get this. One of our members, a very friendly, redheaded, outspoken kind of fellow by the name of Roger, was standing talking out loud about the current events in town. "I don't need no Health and Racquet," he blurted out, "I have everything I need at this fitness center and at the country club where I'm a member--and at half the price! I have the aerobic classes, weight training and cardiovascular equipment here, and I have the swimming pool, tennis and squash courts at the country club." Enough said. This was enough to send my mind was racing at the speed of sound. "Do you think there is room for a fitness center on the country club grounds?" I asked. "Sure," he said, "I know that they're having problems with renting out their community hall. People are just trashing the place when they rent it on the weekends. I'm sure they'll be interested in a permanent tenant. Here, let me give you the chairman's telephone number." Well needless to say, an idea was born that was just too amazing for words. What better way to make a comeback at Health and Racquet. The country club had all the facilities that Health and Racquet had to offer, and more. Another plus would be that my rent would be minimal in comparison to what I was paying at the moment. In the following weeks I met with the country club committee, and to summarize a few months into a sentence, soon after Health and Racquet opened, I negotiated a lease for the community hall. I had one major problem. Money. The community hall was forty three years old, and very run down. How was I going to keep my fitness center running, pay to renovate the new premises, and then move my members over to the new facility? I was cash strapped "big time." I had overspent on improving many aspects of my fitness center and in advertising for new members. A big obstacle indeed, in spite of the marvelous way out of this insurmountable dilemma.

Oh Yes, There is Always a Way--God is at Work
Can you believe it? What used to be my fiercest opposition now became a miraculous stepping stone to surviving the storm staring me in the face. Charles gave me another call. By this time Health and Racquet had opened and the pressure was on both the two small privately owned centers. "Andre,' please, we need to do something together. I have lost most of my members. I have about seventy five members left from over five hundred. It is over for me." It was then that the next major piece of the perilous puzzle was pushed into place. My simple answer to him was this, "Charles, I have a lease for new premises on the grounds of a country club in our area. If you are prepared to set it up and move all your equipment over there, I will buy out your equipment." The plan was just too easy and too simple to be a coincidence. This was a divine masterpiece that was carefully engineered long before the crises had closed in on me. I was overwhelmed. This was a solution that I would never have dreamt could come about. Now, I won't waffle on about how ecstatic and relieved I was. Let me tell you what happened. I got a letter drafted by the country club that we could proceed with the renovations and Charles, being a very, very practical man, along with his son, came in with cannons blazing. Needless to say, our relationship improved a hundred fold and I decided to chip in as often as possible to help Charles with the work. Charles and his son Tyron did everything I wanted done and they spared nothing to make the project top class. What miracle! A stage was broken out, change rooms and ablutions built, old doors and windows replaced, walls and ceilings painted, new carpets put in, the old hardwood floors sanded and varnished, and on and on. It was real history in the making. God worked in that situation to answer that what was a totally impossible in my mind.

(This photo was taken one evening in the newly renovated building where the Fitness Center operates from today. Linda, in the foreground, has been with our Center for about 14 years!)

The Miracle Today
Yes, today there is still a cozy, friendly, family fitness center in a small coastal town on the east coast of South Africa called Fifth Factor Fitness Center. The director, Willie van Heerden, is a personal friend of mine that came in to take over the operation so that I could come to the United States of America. The health work and the vision of how it can minister to the urgent needs of the people in that community still goes on to where God wants it to go. I praise Him for being 'at work' even though I thought it was all over.