If God Created All--He Controls All
By André van Heerden

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come . . ."  Ecclesiastes 12:1

Man and the Universe
Have you ever visited the Kennedy Space Center in Florida? If you have, you will understand what it takes for man to partially explore the outskirts of space. In order for man to get to the moon, which is on our doorstep, in comparison to the rest of the universe, it takes the most accomplished engineering feats known to man, to get him to where he can probe and explore the foreign fringes of space.

The rockets needed to blast a team of astronauts into space fill a warehouse the size of two football fields. The vast amount of fuel which is burnt up is difficult to grasp. What about the endless realms beyond the basic voyages that man has taken? For man to attempt to visit the closest star, which is four light years away, it would take an expedition far too demanding for what man can put together at this stage. The space craft man uses today can travel at speeds of 20,000 miles per hour. This is a phenomenal achievement in itself. The closest star is 4 light years away from the earth. So, in order to reach the closest star, man would have to travel at the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second, 66,960,000 miles per hour, for four solid years, in order to reach that destination. Now, just try to stretch your mind, and try fathom just a small part of what the universe entails. (See picture below: When man enters the vast realm of the universe, he realizes how small he is, and that only a Powerful, Superior Being could create and control this unbelievable phenomenon).

Our galaxy alone is 100,000 light years in length, and 30,000 light years in width. Can you comprehend that? Even if we could travel at the speed of light, we don't have enough years in our life span to be able to travel the full distance of our galaxy. The universe is made up of countless galaxies--man has no idea how many there are or how to even start getting to the facts surrounding the full magnitude of the universe. Man stammers and stutters, and fumbles for some theory as to how the universe came into existence and how it functions with flawless precision.

Believing in the Creator God of the Universe
Christian people know where the universe came from and who controls it, with unspeakable genius that is beyond the limits of the understanding of any man. Do Christian people really know? If people really believed that the God they worship is the Supreme and All-Powerful Creator of the universe, and this earth, they would conduct their lives in a totally different manner. Most Christian believers are stressed and worried about so many things in their lives. Most Christian believers are carrying heavy burdens, in many areas of their lives, which are crushing the life from their relationship with God and their relationships with people around them. Satan cunningly covers everything that confirms the reality of our Creator. The less people see of what our Creator has done, and what He is busy doing, the more they will live their lives like He doesn't exist or He doesn't have the power to create and recreate. Consequently people strain at mending their broken hearts, their broken relationships and their broken pasts, with whatever patches their desperate attempts can lay hold of. Nothing mends, nothing heals, and nothing is replaced. Nothing man has access to, or can generate, will ever fix the damage which sin and rebellion against God has brought into his life--only our Creator can fix and recreate.

Unwavering Belief in the Creator Brings New Life
No wonder Satan's strategy is structured at seducing the truth about our Creator. This truth is the remedy to all the insidious infiltrating that the Forces of Evil have made to annihilate the "Creator awareness" in the minds of people. Satan works at keeping people totally caught up, and obsessed with contemporary living--divorced from reminders of the Infinite Creator and Supplier of everything. Satan knows full well that a person who believes in the past and present Creative and Controlling ability of God, will see the trials and problems in their lives as trivial and petty. People who believe in, and are aware of their Creator, know that He speaks the solar systems into existence, and by His word He instantly creates whatever He wishes. They know full well that their lives are nothing to control and recreate in comparison to the controlling and creation of the universe and of this world and everything on it and in it. They constantly have the words of Psalm 33:6,9 in their minds.  "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm."

 What a powerful Creator. How can anyone allow their circumstances or the unseen answers to the difficulties in their lives, overwhelm them when they have such an amazing defence against discouragement, despair and disillusionment? By the word of the Lord were the heavens made . . . By the word of the Lord are my problems solved . . . by the word of the Lord I can overcome my weaknesses . . . by the word of the Lord I have hope for the future . . . by the word of the Lord I can understand the hurt and the hindrances that have come into my life. King David knew the sure support that came from this constant awareness of our Powerful Creator,"I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."Psalm 121:1, 2. (God put reminders of His Powerful, Creative Word everywhere to encourage and keep us confident - see picture below).

God Longs to "Say the Word"
A Roman Centurion approaches Jesus to heal his loyal servant. Jesus responds favorably to the centurion's request to heal his sick servant, and offers to go to his home where his servant is lying. Then the Centurion makes a declaration that sends a thrill through Jesus' heart of love and care. "Lord, don't trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof . . . but say the word, and my servant will be healed." Luke 7:6. Jesus commends the Roman Centurion, by saying, "I tell you, I have not found such great faith, even in Israel." Luke 7:9.  You see, the Centurion was calling not only on the Healing power of Jesus, but he was calling on the Creative power of Jesus as well--the power where all that was necessary would be to speak, and it would be done. This has to be the ultimate expression of an unconditional belief in God's power, "Just say the word." In my thinking it was because the Centurion had accepted Jesus not only as a man sent from God, but God Himself--Creator, Controller, and King of All. This is the declaration that God longs for from each of His creatures . . . "Just say the word."

(The same word of God that created all things, can create a miracle in any and every situation in our lives . . . if we will respond to the tokens of His power all around us - see picutre below).

This declaration is the indication that the person has unconditionally accepted the Creatorship of God. "Lord I won't be troubled by my financial challenges, because you will just 'speak the word' . . . Lord, I won't allow self-pity or a low self-esteem to overwhelm me in the separating of this relationship, because you will just 'speak the word' . . . Lord, I won't let the loneliness I am facing at present discourage me because you will just 'speak the word' . . . Lord, I won't worry about the job I have just lost because you will just 'speak the word.'"

God Sends Reminders of His Creatorship
This is the talk and the thoughts that God aches to hear from His creatures. He knows that when the Creative power of His spoken word is used as a real and tangible means of strength and support in all circumstances of human life, a miracle happens in the believer's life. A miracle of renewal, a miracle of revival and a miracle of recreation. God has gone out of His way to place tokens at every possible point in human life to remind man that He is the Supreme Author of life, of healing, and of love. Although God's creation has been scarred by man's rebellion against God, there is still such incredible beauty and grandeur there.

Tender, richly colored flower petals, sunsets sketched with a score of warm burnt shades, mountains mirrored in lakes of cool crystal water, trees towering lofty and tall, soft tiny baby hands locked onto your finger, melodic trickles of a babbling brook as it plays soothing notes on the rocks in it's path, animals and insects on land and in the sea so diverse and contrasting in their make up that only a Master Creator could bring them all into existence. It takes a life time to study God's creation and to begin to understand the wonder of it all. All of nature is a reminder of the Creator's unique and unmatched brilliance. "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge." Psalm 19:1, 2.

A Day to Remember
Being reminded of our Creator is such an important aspect with regard to getting to know God, with respect to overcoming sin, and dealing with the trials of life, that God not only gave his children the whole of nature as a constant reminder, but He commissioned a special day on which to channel all our energy to install and impress the reality of His Creatorship. A day to put all distractions, all duties, and all demands aside in order to deliberately delve into discovering more and more evidences that the spoken word of God can and will create and recreate in any and every situation in my life.

"Remember the *Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a *Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested on the *Sabbath day and made it holy." Exodus 20:8-11. Satan is out to draw people away from the vantage point of having confidence in the Supreme Creatorship of God. He fills every day with activity, with pressure, and with demands, to keep people running around in panic, unable to listen to, and look at the reminders that God has in place for us. The Sabbath is a day of deliverance from any unconscious distraction from the reminders of God--a day of deliberately reminding ourselves about the wonders and the works of the Creator.

Walking in nature and picking flowers and leaves, looking at birds, absorbing the grandeur of lakes and mountains, reading about the mysteries of the universe and other awesome aspects of His creation . . . visiting needy people, giving gifts to people less fortunate than us, or visiting a person laying alone in a hospital sickbed. The contrast between the breathtaking beauty of what God kept back in spite of man's rebellion, and the brokenness that sin has wrought in the lives of people, screams out as a believer uses the Sabbath as a reminder of what the Creator originally created and originally intended for mankind. Those who keep the Sabbath, who don't do as they please and call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord's holy day honorable, who honor it by not going their own way, and who truly allow the overwhelming conviction of the full extent of the Creator to dominate in their lives--will truly ride on the high places of the earth, and feast on the heritage that God promised to His chosen and loyal followers. (See Isaiah 58:13, 14).

A Reminder in the Mirror
What more overwhelming reminder is there of God's awesome and indescribable Creatorship, than you? You are the outgrowth that resulted from the union of two microscopic cells, invisible to the naked eye, each programmed with the complete set of instructions to multiply into a human body, with organs, tissues, bones, muscles, brain, eyes, skin, hair, nails, and teeth. How does each cell know what kind of cell to be? How does it know that it must grow into a hair cell or a nail cell? How does a cell know that it must join a specific group of cells to become a liver or a kidney? Then once they are a liver or kidney, how do they know that they must either filter the blood or release glucose into the blood stream? I will tell you.

(The growth of two microscopic cells into human beings, is a miracle beyond comprehension---each one of us is evidence of God's Creative Power - See below)

You and I are walking, talking, eating, sleeping and thinking miracles. Not to speak of the thoughts we can think, the reasoning ability we have, and the emotions we can feel, either positive or negative. What about the abilities and talents that man has enjoyed and developed in his life time and throughout history. Listening to a brass ensemble or a symphony orchestra is absolutely unbelievable when one thinks of what beautiful music humans can compose and perform. Is there time to mention the artistic ability of some humans? The sculptures, paintings, and various forms of creative art that man has done--the cities, bridges, aircraft, automobiles and electronic technology that man has built and developed, show that God has created him in His own "creative image" and can only be marveled at.

Have You Forgotten the Creator?
Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself today, are you currently convinced and convicted constantly, as to the capability of the Creator to control your life? Every single aspect of your life. Or have you been tricked and tripped up by unseen powers to forget the Creator and lead a life independent of Him? Are you wrestling to be a better person, trying to reach the standard that people around you or the church expects of you? Are you crushed by circumstances in your personal life, facing either loneliness, a failing relationship, a rebellious child, a looming financial catastrophe, a recent death, or a fatal illness? Or are you free of any of these trials, but you have no desire to meet with God or get to know Him? Whatever your circumstances might be, you need to come face to face with the reality of a Creator God who spoke everything around you in this world, and in the universe, into existence.

Your life will change when you call on the Creator God saying, "Lord, just say the word!" "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come . . ."  Eccleciates 12:1. Yes, remembering your Creator before the days of trouble come will be a miraculous source of strength, security and stability. What is secure in this life? Nothing really. Businesses can close, marriages can breakup, people can die, whole lives with possessions and dwellings can disappear in earthquakes or severe storms. The only hope man has is that the One who created him is true to His Word to recreate and renew his life and happiness at the beginning of each day in the present, and recreate and renew this lost world in the future. In order to experience the miracle of the Creator's commitment to daily recreation and renewal, (see 2 Corinthians 4:16), learn how to get to know God by building your life around spending time alone with Him in prayer, meditation, and study of the same powerful Word that spoke the universe and this earth into existence.

2 Corinthians 4:16 - Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.


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