From:  "Relationship Rescue", by Dr Phil C McGraw


It is time to stop being a contaminator in your relationship, and start being a contributor.  If you aren't constructively contributing to the relationship, then you are destructively contaminating.  The time has come to get your mind and your attitude right.  Getting rid of the wrong thinking and bad spirits is not enough.  You now have to reach into your heart and soul, and tap into your core because you, and you alone, can determine the quality of your life - you have the strength an depth of character to take your life and your relationship to a totally different level.

There is an ingrained set of attitudes based on a healthy core of who you are a style of engagement that will become the backdrop for everything else that happens in your relationship.  You have to tap into that core of consciousness which will push your own life and your relationship to levels of intimacy and caring that you never dreamed possible.  It can happen because you can and should believe in you.

In relationships, just as in every other aspect of life, the spirit and attitude with which you do things is at least as important as your actual actions.  To start the reconnection process with your partner, you must passionately adopt the proper spirit.  If you adopt a new way of thinking and feeling about yourself, you, your relationship and your partner will reap amazing benefits.

The human tendency is to focus on our partners rather than yourself, but firstly you have to go after you!

The ten Personal Relationship Values that you are about to learn can be such a revolutionary pivotal point in your relational life that you'll be able to create positive change beginning immediately.  Consciously reaching into your core of consciousness will cause you to start living with more integrity, honesty, compassion and with genuine enthusiasm.  The ten Personal Relationship Values will reprogram you for success.  You're going to like yourself a whole lot better than you have in the past and you'll notice that everyone else in your life,  including your intimate partner, will as well.

These values are all things that are totally within your reach and control because they have always been a part of you.  Your partner cannot give them to you and your partner cannot take them away from you.  By making the decision that you will no longer be the passive victim in your relationship, you will create energy, mystery, newness and inspiration.  Your constructive, healthy thinking will be infectious to everyone around you, especially your partner.

When you change, you change the entire balance of the relationship equation.  At the very least, whatever happens, you will enjoy a peace that comes from knowing that you are doing everything that you can possibly do to breathe life into this relationship.  Embrace and incorporate these powerful Personal Relationship Values.  They are what you will be all about.  Click on each Value to read them in detail.

Personal Relationship Value #  1:  Own Your Relationship
Personal Relationship Value #  2:  Accept the Risk of Vulnerability
Personal Relationship Value #  3:  Accept Your Partner
Personal Relationship Value #  4:  Focus on the Friendship
Personal Relationship Value #  5:  Promote Your Partner's Self-esteem
Personal Relationship Value #  6:  Aim Your Frustrations in the Right Direction
Personal Relationship Value #  7:  Be Up-front and Forthright
Personal Relationship Value #  8:  Make Yourself Happy Rather Than Right
Personal Relationship Value #  9:  Allow Your Relationship to Transcent Turmoil
Personal Relationship Value #10:  Put Motion into Your Emotion

My great desire is for these Personal Relationship Values to rise to the level of what I call life decisions.  I refer to life decisions as the most important things that define who you are.

For example, some of your most obvious life decisions may include such things as "I will not cheat or lie to get ahead."  "I will not steal what does not belong to me or what I have not earned."  "I will not be unkind to my children or defenseless animals."

Now these Personal Relationship Values must be added to your list of life decision.  They must become so inextricably ingrained into the fiber of your being that in time you will no longer consciously have to think about them.

You will find that you not only go through a vast change in the way you interact with all the people in your life, you go through a vast change in the way you interact with yourself.

Study each of the Personal Relationship Values, knowing that this is your new foundation from which you will think and feel.  From this foundation your core of consciousness will become like a beacon in your life, guiding you in all that you do.

You are on the verge of creating a relationship that is going to be rich in emotional experience and one that will consistently become your soft place to fall.  You also are on the verge of a brand-new life, one that honors the spirit of love that lives inside us all.  Take the time to reread each of these Personal Relationship Values.  Write them down.  Stick them on the refrigerator door or on your bathroom mirror.  Then write them on the tablet of your heart.