A Testimony of Divine Healing

This is a duplicate copy of an e-mail I received from a brother in Germany. I immediately mailed it out to all the readers of "Miracles for You." The e-mails tell the whole story:

Subject: Miracles for You

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:35:31 +0200

From: "Vincenzo Annunziata" <v.annunziata@avventisti.org>

To: <mervyntrudi@gccsda.com>

Dear Friends and Fellow Believers:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this message. We are members of the only organized Italian SDA Church in Germany, located in Stuttgart, South Germany. One of our 41 members has seriously fallen ill. Her name is Maria Migliore. She is 56 years old and has always been a very active, faithful member of our church. She serves on the church board and also as our church organist. About ten years ago she underwent surgery for breast cancer. All the routine check-ups in the years following the surgery attested her good health. But the latest check-up several weeks ago revealed a recurrence of the cancer, this time affecting her liver, kidneys and spine. Her doctors came to the conclusion that the cancer is in an advanced stage and therefore inoperable. Maria lost several kilos of her weight; she has difficulties keeping her food in, and she is suffering pain in her kidneys and spine.

We appeal to you to please pray with us for Maria's recovery, that the LORD may grant her His healing power, if it is His will and if it serves to glorify His name. Please also pray for her dear husband, Giuseppe, who is also an active member of our church and who is understandably very worried about his wife's condition.

Thank you again for taking the time to pray for Maria and her family. May the LORD bless you for your kindness.

Your fellow sisters and brothers in Christ,

Cannstatt SDA Italian Church, Germany

Five days later, this is the unbelievable e-mail that our brother sent to me:


Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 10:50:55 +0200

From: "Vincenzo Annunziata" <v.annunziata@avventisti.org>

Organization: Coordinatore Sito Web Unione Italiana Chiese Avventiste

To: <v.annunziata@avventisti.org>

Dear Friends and Fellow Believers in Christ:

Praise God! We have much reason to glorify God our Father and our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to uplift His holy name. And we would like to express our deepest and heartfelt
gratitude to all of you all over the world who have joined us in fervent prayer for our dear sister, Maria Migliore, asking for God's healing power to be revealed and for HIS will to be done in her life.

Your messages of encouragement have deeply moved Maria and strengthened her faith in Jesus. She's received your e-mails from South Africa, Florida, California and Romania. It's been such an encouragement for her to realize that members of God's world-wide family are praying for her.

We all know that God not always answers our prayers for the sick by healing them from their ailments. We do believe that God answers all sincere prayers, but the answer often doesn't include physical healing but rather spiritual and emotional healing.

But sometimes God sees it fit to also grant physical healing in addition to healing us spiritually. We are thrilled and awestruck as we begin to realize that in Maria Migliore's case, God has actually performed such a healing miracle! Yes! It is true, and the doctors are speechless and dumbfounded -- they have no rational explanation for what has happened to Maria.

When I wrote to you last week, on Friday, April 14th, Maria's condition was not good. Repeated CT-scans of her whole body and other tests had all shown the same discouraging results: Her kidneys, liver and lower spine showed clear evidence of cancerous growths which the doctors said they couldn't operate on.

On Sabbath, April 15th, almost the whole congregation gathered in Maria's hospital room at Cannstatt General Hospital, Stuttgart. The children from the Sabbath School Cradle Roll
sang several songs for her. We had special prayer for her. Even though Maria enjoyed the fellowship, she was somewhat sad and discouraged because on that day the doctor had told her that under no circumstances was she to stand up or walk around anymore, because the doctor feared that her spine might snap due to the damage caused by the cancer, and she might end up being paralyzed.

On Monday, April 17, Maria began feeling much better. She noticed that the constant pain was gone. She didn't need the painkillers anymore that she had taken before. Several tests had been scheduled for that day. She underwent another CT-scan of her whole body. When the doctors came to her room the following day, they had a strange look on their faces. Finally, they broke the news to her that no matter how hard they had tried, they just couldn't find even one trace of cancer in her whole body on the most recent CT-scans they had taken of her. The scans were repeated on Wednesday, April 19, with the same result: The cancerous growths have disappeared completely! What do you say? Amen!!! Praise God and worship HIM, for HE is our great Physician!

Maria is now recovering in the hospital. The doctors want to perform several additional tests on her to be sure that they haven't overlooked anything. But we are already planning a special Praise Worship to celebrate God's miraculous intervention and to thank Him for the revelation of His great power on Maria's behalf. We are also planning to invite Maria's doctors to this special worship service.

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, thank you again so much for all your support and for your prayers. May our wonderful, almighty LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, fill you with His joy and grant you His blessing as you continue to walk with HIM, until we shall all see HIM face to face when HE shall return very soon!

Wishing you all a blessed Sabbath of true, divine rest,

Michael Walter,

Senior Pastor,

Cannstatt & Waiblingen SDA Church