The problem is, you're not ever going to see things through your partner's eyes. You will rarely understand and appreciate how and why your partner views the world in his or her particular way. The reason you won't be able to do it is because you are so totally different from your partner. You are genetically, physiologically, psychologically and historically different. You have different priorities and you value different things in different ways.

Traditional therapy strives diligently to teach men to be more sensitive and less unemotionally logical, and it strives to teach women to operate less off their immediate feelings and to think more logically. Men are going to be men and women are going to be women and no therapist can change it.

As one who accepts that there is a master plan that has been orchestrated by a higher power from the beginning of time, I am a strong believer that we are wired up differently, and we are wired up that way for a reason.

Men are not as sensitive and emotional as women are because they are not supposed to be. What's more, if you're a woman and you're trying to shoehorn yourself into a man's point of view, you're spinning your wheels. We are different and that is that, and we need to live with it because it isn't going to change.

This kind of wrong thinking is dangerous because there is not one chance in a million that either party is going to be able to do it. It doesn't work because of something called instinctual drift.

Instinctual drift is the tendency for all organisms, when under pressure, to resort to and exhibit their natural tendencies.

You might be able to play that forced role for a while, but in the final analysis, you can't be what you are not.

I'm not telling you that two people of the opposite sex should not try to be compatible. Although our primary characteristics might be different, we can secondarily have certain traits and tendencies that are 'somewhat" in the direction of the opposite sex.

We will talk later about how we can meet our partners where they are naturally in their hearts and minds. We also will talk about accepting our differences rather than making them sources of conflict. A relationship is far more enjoyable when you're with someone who enriches your life, not simply reflects it. Before this journey is over, you will become thankful for the differences that may now be sources of frustration.

[MYTH # 2]